Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A New Beginning

We thought we were done.
Billy-Bob gave it a try and was done, less traveling, less money spent.
A lot less money.  We'd paid out the sponsorship fees and entry fees and had even ordered jackets for all of us, but I gave up on ever getting them.
The holidays came and went and Billy-Bob turned five.
We passed other milestones and finished out preschool.
We had a house fire that destroyed a lot of stuff and what wasn't gone was put in storage.
Then Billy-Bob looked at me one day and said "How come I'm not riding sheep any more?  Remember I said I would again when I was five."
Um, really?  Really?  NOW!  That's what went through my head what came out of my mouth was
"Oh ok, really, are you sure"   I mean we were living in a trailer rented from the insurance at this point and dealing with any schedules just threw me.
Billy-Bob was sure.  I kept trying to put him off.  But one thing Billy-Bob is, when he gets something in his head is, to put it nicely, insistent.
I finally started looking around and trying to find the association info again, but didn't have any luck.
I had no contact numbers for anything.
Then it dawned on me, the lady who originally told me about the Northern California Junior Bull Riders Assoc., N.C.J.B.R.A, had been a substitute teacher in my older son's class, her son was riding calfs at that time.  411 to the rescue!
There was no longer a N.C.J.B.R.A., apparently the secretary was being investigated for embezzlement, gee no wonder we never got our jackets, from the association.
What there was now was W.R.B.R.A., Western Regional Bull Riders Assoc., which, after a lengthy conversation with Brian Moniz, was started when N.C.J.B.R.A. had to fold, leaving a whole lot of kids with no place to ride.
I got Billy-Bob entered for a ride up in Middletown, a beautiful but really long drive through Napa Valley (some day I'd like to actually have the time to stop and enjoy the places we drive through!)
Now for hectic phone calls, unanswered phone calls, and phone tag with the laundry company that was storing our clothing.  Trying to find Billy-Bob's gear bag, rope, vest, chaps, helmet, and boots.  Instead of having the items delivered to us, that would take up to two weeks, we drove the hour and a half to the warehouse to pick up the items.  The gear bag was missing but at least we had the other important equipment.  Although  my boots were missing.
Off we drove to Middletown with a nice lunch stop in Napa itself.  Although, the grade from Napa to Middletown is incredibly twisty and Billy-Bob gets car sick.  Wish I had known that ahead of time.
We got a little lost on the way to the arena, which for such a small town shouldn't have been hard to find!
One thing that one of the men had gone over the year before, was proper attire for the kids and the parents.  They were very serious about long sleeves rolled down for the parents, boots, hats, and jeans.
When Billy-Bob got signed in I was again reminded of the clothing requirements.  Of course I had no boots but was given a pass for this ride.
Mike and I were really worried.  We didn't join or pay anything but the entry fee.  Billy-Bob was going to ride exhibition, which meant no accumulation of points.  At this point there was three rides left in the season before finals.
Several of the dads remembered Billy-Bob, "that kid with the long hair" and Billy-Bob said hello to several of the kids.
We got Billy-Bob's gear set up and ready to ride.  Sara was no longer riding with the assoc. so I needed someone to help.  Dakota Thompson, a Jr. Bull Rider, helped now and while Billy-Bob got a little stressed he still rode.
Billy-Bob didn't go far and he did finally let go but he seemed to have conquered that fear.
Oh No What are we getting ourselves into!

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